Contact Us State Headquarters

State Headquarters

Division of Forestry State Headquarters

7 Players Club Drive
Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 558-2788

Jeremy Jones (600)
Director/State Forester
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311
[email protected]
(304) 558-2788 ext 24877
304-352-4877 (Direct)

Anthony Evans (601)
Deputy State Forester
7 Players Club Drive
Charleston, WV 25311
[email protected]
(304)558-2788 ext 24875
304-352-4875 (Direct)
(304)382-1328 (Cell)

Eric Jarrell (602)
Assistant State Forester
Fire Protection
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 558-2788 ext 24873
304-352-4873 (Direct)
304-710-8188 (Cell)

VACANT (603)
Deputy State Fire Manager
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 558-2788 ext 24877
304-352-4877 (Direct)

Jeremy McGill (604)
Assistant State Forester
Logging & Water Quality
61 5th Street, Building 1 Suite 201
Buckhannon, WV 26201
[email protected]
304-439-3003 (Office)
304-545-0172 (Cell)

Charles Copeland (605)
Assistant State Forester
Landowner Assistance
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311
[email protected]
(304) 558-2788 ext 24876 or option 5
304-352-4876 (Direct)
(304) 380-7442(Cell)

Linda Carnell (606)
Assistant State Forester
Communication & Education
1900 Kanawha Blvd, E
Charleston, WV 25305-0180
[email protected]
(304) 822-4512
(304) 541-8617 (Cell)

Steven Harouff (608)
GIS Specialist
Mont Chateau Research Center
1 Mont Chateau Road
Morgantown, WV 26508-8079
[email protected]
(304) 594-2331

VACANT (610)
Deputy Director
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311

VACANT (611)
Account/Grants Manager
7 Players Club Dr.

Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 558-2788 ext 24870 or option 6
304-352-4874 (Direct)

Robin Black (612)
Regulatory & Licensing Specialist II
WV Division of Forestry

7 Players Club Dr.
[email protected]
Charleston, WV 25311
304-558-2788 ext 24867 or option 3
304-352-4867 (Direct)

VACANT (613)
Accounting Technician III
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston WV 25311
(304) 558-2788 ext 51774

Rachel Perry (614)
Administrative Services Assistant I
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston WV 25311
[email protected]
(304) 558-2788 ext 24872
304-352-4872 (Direct)

Lana Evans (615)
Managed Timberland Assistant
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311
[email protected]

(304) 558-2788 ext 24866 or option 2
304-352-4866 (Direct)

VACANT (617)
Human Resources
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311

Donald J. Kelley (620)
Assistant State Forester – Eastern Special Operations
330 Harper Park Dr. Suite J
Beckley, WV 25801
[email protected]
(304) 256-6775
(304) 389-7510 (Cell)

John Bird (621)
Assistant State Forester – Western Special Operations
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311
[email protected]
(304) 558-2788 ext 24868 or option 9
304-352-4868 (Direct)

Travis Miller (635)
Assistant State Forester – State Lands
61 5th St., Bldg 1, Suite 201
Buckhannon, WV 26201
[email protected]
(304) 545-9015

Robert Hannah (660)
Urban Forestry Coordinator
P.O Box 40
Farmington WV 26571

[email protected]
(304) 825-6983

Andy Sheetz (661)
Partnership Coordinator
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311
[email protected]
(304) 558-2788 ext 24871
(304) 382-9574 (Cell)
304-352-4871 (Direct)

Sam Adams (662)
Urban Forestry
P.O. Box 40
Farmington WV 26571
[email protected]
(304) 825-6983
(304) 216-1254 (Cell)

John P. Rowe (663)
Forest Legacy Coordinator
7 Players Club Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311
[email protected]
(304) 558-2788 ext 24869

I want to know more about...

Forest Legacy Program thumbnail

Forest Legacy Program

Stewardship thumbnail


Fall Foliage thumbnail

Fall Foliage

Managed Timberland Program thumbnail

Managed Timberland Program

Logging thumbnail


Industry Assistance thumbnail

Industry Assistance

Ginseng thumbnail


News Releases thumbnail

News Releases

Project Learning Tree thumbnail

Project Learning Tree

Invasive Species thumbnail

Invasive Species

Conservation Education thumbnail

Conservation Education



The West Virginia Division of Forestry is committed to protecting, nurturing, sustaining, and promoting the wise utilization of our state’s forest resources.


Established in 1909, as a declaration of the state government for the need of forest protection and research, the West Virginia Division of Forestry protects and conserves the state’s forest resources.