Laws, Civil and Criminal Penalties

Help Keep Our Forests Safe


Knowing the laws, rules, and regulations help keep our forests and people safe. If you have additional questions, always contact one of our forestry offices and someone will assist you. Any violations of forestry laws can result in citations, arrests, and/or prosecution by special operations officers.

Know the Laws

Fire Laws

The best way to stop fire is to prevent it in the first place. We take the fire laws in our state very seriously as the forests are the only naturally recurring resource we have. Make sure you understand and follow our fire laws.


The logging industry is one of the most important industry sectors in our state’s economy. However, improper and dangerous logging practices could quickly diminish this industry’s supply as well as the health of our state. Follow the regulations to protect the future of the industry.


This lucrative root has garnered attention for years, but recently has needed regulation as the hunting practices for this root continue to increase. We invite you to enjoy the plentiful supplies of ginseng in our state, but do so responsibly and legally.

Timber Theft

Timber theft is a serious crime, but can be prevented. Many timber theft cases involve absentee landowners who are often not around their property to protect it from thieves. To avoid timber theft on your land, follow these tips from the Division of Forestry.

I want to know more about...

Forest Legacy Program thumbnail

Forest Legacy Program

Stewardship thumbnail


Fall Foliage thumbnail

Fall Foliage

Managed Timberland Program thumbnail

Managed Timberland Program

Logging thumbnail


Industry Assistance thumbnail

Industry Assistance

Ginseng thumbnail


News Releases thumbnail

News Releases

Project Learning Tree thumbnail

Project Learning Tree

Invasive Species thumbnail

Invasive Species

Conservation Education thumbnail

Conservation Education



The West Virginia Division of Forestry is committed to protecting, nurturing, sustaining, and promoting the wise utilization of our state’s forest resources.


Established in 1909, as a declaration of the state government for the need of forest protection and research, the West Virginia Division of Forestry protects and conserves the state’s forest resources.