Spring Fire Season
Fire season dates: March 1 – May 31
Burning is prohibited during burning season from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

About Landowner Assistance

Manage Your Woodlands

With over 260,000 non-industrial private woodland owners in West Virginia, the Division of Forestry places importance on providing landowner assistance for management and protection of woodlands. We understand that each landowner carries differing personal goals and beliefs about how their woodland property should be managed. The WVDOF helps bring cohesive guidelines and management practices. With our assistance, you can effectively manage your land in order to support your goals as well as the future of our state’s forests.

No matter the size of your land, the following services and information are available to you as private landowners in West Virginia.

Landowner Assistance Services

Call Before You Cut

This multi-state initiative helps landowners manage their woodlands for multiple uses, including wildlife, recreation, timber, and woodland streams. The program helps landowners make responsible long-term forest management decisions so that the land may be preserved and protected for future generations. For more information, visit Call Before You Cut or call toll-free at 1-888-498-2292.

Professional Foresters

The Division of Forestry is the state’s leading agency for rendering technical forestry assistance to non-industrial private woodland owners. Landowners seeking assistance can find answers through the consultation of both the DOF Service Foresters as well as Private Consulting Foresters. Both will be able to provide on-site, personalized visits and direct landowners towards important resources.

Management Assistance

The Division of Forestry works cooperatively with landowners to promote the practice of sustainable forestry through technical and financial assistance to private landowners. Several programs are available to help achieve the broad objectives of the landowner assistance program including:

The Forest Legacy Program
The Managed Timberland Program
The West Virginia Forest Stewardship Program

Invasive Species

Species like the Spongy Moth and Emerald Ash Borer pose a serious threat to West Virginia forests. It is our responsibility to reduce the spread of these destructive species by careful shipment of wood products, extermination procedures, and silvicultural treatments. Learn more about these invasive species and how to combat them.

Women Owning Woodlands (WOW)

Women Owning Woodlands (WOW) empowers women landowners to steward their land by connecting them to information, resources, trusted professionals, and a community of women landowners. WOW connects you to training workshops around the country to enable women landowners to take action toward the future of their land.

Save the Dates – September 6 – September 8, 2024 at Watoga State Park & Calvin Price State Forest in Pocahontas County. Contact Barb or Amy at [email protected] or call WV DOF (304) 256-6775 for more information. Click the link in the flyer below to register.

I want to know more about...

Forest Legacy Program thumbnail

Forest Legacy Program

Stewardship thumbnail


Fall Foliage thumbnail

Fall Foliage

Managed Timberland Program thumbnail

Managed Timberland Program

Logging thumbnail


Industry Assistance thumbnail

Industry Assistance

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News Releases thumbnail

News Releases

Project Learning Tree thumbnail

Project Learning Tree

Invasive Species thumbnail

Invasive Species

Conservation Education thumbnail

Conservation Education



The West Virginia Division of Forestry is committed to protecting, nurturing, sustaining, and promoting the wise utilization of our state’s forest resources.


Established in 1909, as a declaration of the state government for the need of forest protection and research, the West Virginia Division of Forestry protects and conserves the state’s forest resources.