Urban Forestry Programs for Tree Protection

Tree City USA

The Tree City USA program is a nationwide movement that helps communities manage and expand their public trees. More than 3,400 communities across America have achieved this important goal of becoming a Tree City USA. The program recognizes the Tree City USA status when the communities have successfully followed a framework for improving and managing their urban forestry.

WV Project Communi Tree

Growing communities from the ground up, WV Project CommuniTree (CTree) provides technical assistance, trees and planting supplies to volunteers for planting on public land.

CTree helps groups identify a proper planting location, develop a planting plan and organize volunteers for planting day and follow-up maintenance.

WV Project CommuniTree also provides CTree Kits. These kits can be used to plant trees at schools, parks, road right-of-ways, churches, and other public lands. CTree Kits are awarded through a competitive grant process and trees may only be planted on public land in the following West Virginia counties: Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan and Pendleton.

CTree Kits include:

  • Trees in a variety of species and stock sizes for shade, reforestation, etc.
  • Tree tubes or cages to protect from deer
  • Mulch to foster good root growth

Successful applicants will receive technical assistance from CTree partners and the West Virginia Division of Forestry. Any interested group that is dedicated to increasing urban canopy cover in the Potomac Basin is eligible to apply (with or without prior experience planting trees). Follow this link to see a map of priority planting sites.

Applications must be received by Feb. 1 for spring projects (April – May tree plantings) and July 1 for fall projects (October – November tree plantings).

The Mountaineer Treeways Program

The Mountaineer Treeways program provides free seedlings for volunteer groups that wish to plant trees on public property, with preference given to projects involving: interstates, rest areas, park & rides, highways, public parks, schools, city streets and other municipal property.

Every year, applications are available until the last week of March and trees are distributed in early April as weather and nursery conditions permit.

Applications will be available on the WVDOF website from December through March.

This program is a joint effort between the West Virginia Division of Forestry, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, the West Virginia Division of Highways and the Turnpike Authority. The program is made possible by donations from Toyota Motor Manufacturing of West Virginia.

For more information about the Mountaineer Treeways program, contact Robert Hannah at [email protected].

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The West Virginia Division of Forestry is committed to protecting, nurturing, sustaining, and promoting the wise utilization of our state’s forest resources.


Established in 1909, as a declaration of the state government for the need of forest protection and research, the West Virginia Division of Forestry protects and conserves the state’s forest resources.